atlanta pro bono opportunities, Georgia pro bono opportunities, Georgia pro bono, legal aid pro bono, legal volunteer opportunities, Gwinnett pro bono

The Gwinnett Pro Bono Project, a partnership between Gwinnett Legal Aid and the Gwinnett County Bar Association, refers low income clients who cannot afford private representation to volunteer attorneys. Cases are screened thoroughly by Gwinnett Legal Aid attorneys. All cases are in Gwinnett County and must fall within the case priority and financial eligibility guidelines set by Legal Aid. Your skills and expertise can make a real and immediate impact on their lives. 

We are always looking for attorneys for our Probate Clinic, which meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. This volunteer opportunity allows you to sign up for a specific time period, and have more control over the amount of time you spend doing Pro Bono work. 

Special Projects and Clinics  

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